How do I get there from here?
Humber College is located at 203 Humber College Blvd., Etobicoke. It's the first large entrance on your left after Hwy 27.
This puts you on Arboretum Blvd. Continue straight, through the gatehouse, all the way to the residence building at the end, marked with a “T” on the map.
The parking lot is to the right of the building and is FREE.
Our Conference Room is located nearest to the second doorway, entrance T:
This year Autumn Live is in a NEW Location - joining the spring show's new home at the Humber College North Campus in the Residence Building.
As soon as you enter the building you will see a front desk. Let them know you are here for the Autumn Live Show.
Turn right - and we are there! Room T132.
Any issues? Please call Neena on the day!